What's Involved in Transporting Food Donations?

Two feet in the air framed by clouds
Step 1 - Learn how to safely transport donations:
You can test your knowledge of safe food transport practices by taking the Food Safety Transport training. Use the Training Resources link in the top menu bar to take the HSN Food Transporter test and to work through our scenario-based training materials.

Step 2 - Identify a local non-profit in need of help to transport food:
If you need help in identifying a local non-profit that you can volunteer at to help with transporting food, send us a note and we will help you find volunteer opportunities in your community.

Step 3 - Transport food donations in a watchful way:
When transporting food donations be aware of, and monitor, three key factors: the time it takes to transport the food, the temperature of the food, and risks of cross-contamination.

Step 4 - Follow safe food transport guidelines:
Use the following Quick Reference Guides to help you remember the recommended guidelines for safe food donation transport:
Defining Perishable Foods:
HSN's main mission is to support the recovery and re-direction of wholesome, perishable prepared food. This video defines the different types of food donations:

Want to learn more?

Use the "About Us/Contact Us" link in the top menu bar and send us your questions, today!